Now we can download the book The Art Of Community written by Jono Bacon, wich was sent to all Ubuntu LoCo Teams, I'm just recived an now published for free distribution as it's licenced under Creative Commons
You can download on this link
Ya podemos descargar el libro The Art Community escrito por Jono Bacon el cual fue enviado a todos los LoCo Teams Ubuntu el libro lo acabo de recibir y ahora lo publico para su libre distribución pues esta licenciado bajo Creative Commons.
Lo pueden descargar del siguiente link
All right! ^.^ Many thanks for bringing this to our attention! I'm in the process of starting my own "open-source" writing project / community, and I've been looking forward to this book's download availability for some time now.
Many thanks once again!
Incidentally, most Blogger blogs I comment on let me log in using OpenID! Is that a feature you can turn on, or did you decide that it wasn't worth the hassle?
Thank you for hosting this. I was curious about the book, but not enough to buy a physical copy.
El link me da 404
el enlace esta roto, podrian subirlo a otro mirror please, gracias.
Hi. The link isn't working :(
Donemeho_r, Kamus. Done
do you turn your server off sometimes? the link isn't working right now...
@ken101 excuse me. This last weekend I have problems with apache server ...
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Oh my god!!! Do you know that you kept me glued till the end of your article? Great man, you should be taking lessons to write the way you did. Your flair of the language is beyond my imagination!
Thanks mate... just dropped by. Will look for BIKE STN when we get to Seattle. Still in Buenos Airies.
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